Growing Garden Herbs
Herbs are one of the most rewarding horticulture projects you can take on, but they do require some planning. First and foremost is deciding where in your yard or garden to plant them-Herb gardens need sunlight for much if not all day long so choose an area with good exposure! You’ll also want something elevated enough that water will flow away when its wet outside – no low lying areas please (unless this was what inspired your passion). And lastly make sure there isn’t anything planted nearby which may compete vegetation wise such as trees often found near suburban houses’ front walks.
The idea behind this garden plan is to create a natural flow, with tallest plants blooming first and shortest ones last. You’ll want enough room between each type of plant so that you can get good access without damaging any. Extremely easy if there are only two rows! Give them plenty of space because some runners might spread outwards as well.
To make the most of your garden, use plants that grow tall and skinny. In flower gardens this is often done by planting whichever variety you have room for behind shorter ones so they can stretch out their runners which need more space than regular height varieties require (spreading them helps). If there are only two rows then it’s easy enough – just leave some extra empty soil between each plant in order to allow wide growth without crowding anything else into less-than optimal ground!
Herbs are one of the most rewarding horticulture projects you can take on, but they do require some planning. First and foremost is deciding where in your yard or garden to plant them-Herb gardens need sunlight for much if not all day long so choose an area with good exposure! You’ll also want something elevated…
Herbs are one of the most rewarding horticulture projects you can take on, but they do require some planning. First and foremost is deciding where in your yard or garden to plant them-Herb gardens need sunlight for much if not all day long so choose an area with good exposure! You’ll also want something elevated…